

If you are demolishing a structure that is 75 years or older you will be referred to the Historical Commission for approval.

Requirements for Obtaining a Demolition Permit:
  1. Complete a Building Permit Application Packet (not all pages will apply for every project) signed by the owner of the property and contractor.
  2. Contractor License & insurance information on file with the Building Department.
  3. Two plot plans showing proposed structure to be demolished.
  4. Utility Sign-Off Sheet with applicable signatures.
  5. Application will be sent to the Board of Health and Conservation for approval and to the Treasurer's Office (to be checked for outstanding taxes or fees over 1 year old).
  6. A permit fee of $155.00 will be charged.
  7. A Dumpster Permit from the Fire Department is required for all dumpsters/rubbish containers with a capacity of 6 cubic yards or more.