
Duxbury has invested in the protection of its water resources for many years.  Through an informal partnership with the Conservation Administrator, Duxbury Beach Reservation, the North and South River Watershed Association and the Department of Public Works, along with the active participation of many residents and volunteers, and through a series of grants over several years, the Town has significantly improved the treatment of stormwater as it flows off the land and towards Duxbury Bay.  With Town Meeting's support, the Community Preservation Committee, Open Space Committee and Conservation Commission have actively acquired many acres of sensitive land to conserve it in its natural state, and much of this land preserves the water quality in the town.  Please click here to the Open Space and Recreation Plan to learn more about Duxbury's Conservation efforts.

To learn more about stormwater, here is a 30-second video and website Think Blue Massachusetts, and whether you are a homeowner or a developer, click here to find helpful information on how you can make a difference!

Duxbury is subject to a permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) known as the MS4 Permit.  The Department of Public Works has been very proactive - preparing for and implementing the requirements on behalf of the Town.  Updates are posted on the DPW website at this link.  Annual activities are accomplished and reporting is done each year to the state and EPA. 

Town meeting 2020 adopted two new General Bylaws that are requirements of this permit.