Events & Programs

Clamming on Duxbury Bay

As part of our long-range plan, we are committed to providing excellent and inspiring programs to help people live well and age well, including programs in education, fitness, wellness, and technology.

To find out more about current programs see our Newsletter!

In addition to evidence-based programming that has been developed and tested to benefit older adults, our programming staff is constantly developing new, original, and exciting programs. Here is a sample of some regularly scheduled programs. We also team up with many local organizations to be good community partners and offer our patrons the best possible experience. 

Aging Mastery Program (AMP)

During this 10 week program, a variety of topics are covered to empower seniors to make small, impactful changes in health behaviors. Participants receive basic educational materials from highly trusted sources and a system for tracking behaviors. Participants earn points and rewards for positive actions.

Armchair Travel

Art Matters

Author Events

Bocce League

Bowling League

Breakfast and Lectures

Black Tie Bingo (COA)

Cooking and Baking Demos

Credit for Life

Day Trips

Duxbury Talks

Duxbury Walks

Financial programs

Giving Tree

Golf Clinic

Golf League (Men's)

Golf League (Women's)

Golf Outing (COA)

Home Delivered Meals

Language Classes

LBGT and Aging

Lifelong Learning

Matter of Balance

Memoir Writing

Memory Training Classes

New Year’s Eve at Noon

Read Sing Play

Senior Safety Series 

White Elephant Sale

Wellness Programs

Travel Programs

Yoga at the Center



