Duxbury Selectboard

What We Do:

The Duxbury Selectboard (official name change as of 4/14/22 and formerly known as the Board of Selectmen) are the Chief Elected Officials and Executive Officers of the Town of Duxbury.  As of 2021 as the result of Town Meeting vote, the Selectboard now consists of five (5) residents who are elected to three-year terms on a community-wide basis.  Massachusetts General Laws vest the Selectboard with all municipal authority not delegated to other elected boards or retained by Town Meeting, as the Town's legislative branch.  The Selectboard employs a Town Manager to manage the day-to-day business of the Town within the Selectboard's policy direction and a Town Counsel to handle the Town's legal affairs.

In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1987, (The Town Manager Act), the Selectboard "shall have the power to enact rules and regulations to implement policies" for the orderly and efficient operation of Duxbury Town government.  The Selectboard shall also serve as "policy making body of the Town...," adopting policy directives and guidelines, which are to be implemented by officer, boards, committees, commissions, and employees of the Town.

Email the Selectboard.


NameTitleTerm Expiration

Michael McGee



Amy M. MacNab

Vice Chair


Brian E. Glennon, II



Cynthia Ladd Fiorini


Fernando Guitart