Hurricane Evacuation Zones

"Know Your Zone" — Learn if you live or work in a Hurricane Evacuation Zone

Storm surge is one of the most dangerous hazards associated with hurricanes. It is the leading cause of deaths in the U.S. from tropical cyclones and hurricanes. Storm surge is a large volume of ocean water that is driven ashore by a hurricane or tropical storm.

Hurricane evacuation zones are areas that may be inundated by storm surge or isolated by storm surge waters. As a hurricane approaches, local or state officials may order evacuations of these areas. Know whether you live or work in an Evacuation Zone (Zone A, B or C) and follow evacuation orders if they are issued.

Know Your Zone is a preparedness campaign in Massachusetts developed by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to reduce injuries and loss of life from coastal flooding during a hurricane. Use the interactive Hurricane Evacuation Zone map to find out if you live or work in a hurricane evacuation zone. The best way to be prepared for the possibility of a hurricane Evacuation is to know your evacuation zone and develop your emergency plan (such as your destination and travel routes) ahead of time.

Review the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Fact Sheet.