Sample Well Verification Letter

Dear Abutter:

We are in the process of designing a new septic system for _________________, Duxbury.  Duxbury Board of Health regulations require soil absorption systems to be located 150’ from drinking water wells.  The regulation also requires that any abutter that has a drinking water well and whose property falls within 150’ of the proposed leaching area be notified by certified mail and asked to verify the location of their well.

Enclosed is a diagram showing the location of your drinking water well.  If your well is not in the location shown or if you have any questions please contact our office at ___________________ or the Duxbury Board of Health at (781) 934-1100, within 10 days of receipt of this letter.  If the well is correctly located, you do not need to respond to this letter.

Thank you,


CC: Duxbury Board of Health