Town of Duxbury - Beach Operations - Beach Update - 8/12/2021


BEACH UPDATE - 8/12/21



As of the day of this email there are slight changes to report from my last email. We currently have space available via crossover #2 for approximately 250 cars, 125 resident and 125 non-residents. Remember this number can be affected by tides and other factors.  We are hopeful that the above number will be increasing soon as our final pairs of plovers and their chicks should be fledging soon. As always, check our Twitter for daily updates on this topic and others. Crossover #1 remains closed due to Least Tern activity at the time of this email.

There is a possibility, I repeat a possibility, that we may be able to open crossover #1 this Saturday. August 14th. In the next few days, verification of Least Tern activity in that area will dictate whether or not we can open crossover #1. The final decision will not be able to be confirmed until Saturday morning.  If we are able to open this crossover to some over sand vehicles, we will notify you via our Twitter account.

I would like to remind everyone that areas open at the crossovers have restricted areas to the North and South and you will not be able to travel from one crossover area to the other for a while. Thus, please make sure to carefully adhere to all signage or saw horses and coned off areas and do not travel in or through them.

Crossover will continue to close at this time at 8:00 PM. This is due to regulations prohibiting nighttime driving on the front beach due to the presence and location of endangered species. As soon as we can lift this restriction and stay open longer into the night we will.


The northern most pedestrian access path in the resident lot is now open for foot traffic.  The resident lot is open from 8 am to 10 PM daily. A reminder there are no fires allowed on the front beach east of that lot.

The Northern Lot, which is used as an overflow lot for non-residents will not open until it is necessary to do so each day. In other words, if there is space on the front beach the Northern Lot will remain closed. When, and if we reach capacity on the front beach for non – resident over sand vehicles we will open the Northern Lot, but not until then.



Due to a lack of staffing, there will come a point in time beginning next week where swimming on the front beach area east of the resident lot will be - SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. We will have signage indicating this on our lifeguard tower if we do not have staff that day. We will also place a message on a portable grease board on the access ramp to alert you to that as well.



In the next few days there will be some filming activity in and around the property. The Powder Point Bridge will be closed to all traffic on 8/13 from 10 PM to 5AM on 8/14. The small resident lot located south of the bridge will be closed all day Friday 8/13.

 All traffic between 10 PM on 8/13 and 5 am on 8/14   must access the beach via Marshfield and Gurnet Road. Beach road traffic may experience some delays on 8/13 so please be a patient. Police and Beach Rangers will be on duty to help with traffic and parking concerns.

Bike, and foot traffic will not be allowed on the beach road south of the bridge after 8 PM on 8/13. Only vehicle traffic destined for Gurnet or Saquish will be allowed on the back beach road after 8PM.


Have a great week, stay cool and I hope to see you at the beach!


Gordon H. Cushing

Recreation Director

Town of Duxbury