2018-19 Proposed FEMA Inland Risk Map Revisions

FEMA has used updated mapping techniques to draft new risk maps for the inland areas of Plymouth County and parts of Cape Cod, including Duxbury - these are what FEMA calls "Preliminary Data" for this region.  These preliminary maps are now in a public review and comment period.  After the public comment period has ended, FEMA will make final changes to the map and issue them for adoption.

FEMA Cover Letter to Town

Comparisons of before and after for your location can be viewed here (enter address in top right corner of the viewer of the FEMA Preliminary Map Comparison Tool).  Paper maps can also be viewed at the Town Hall Planning Office during normal business hours; however, the online version is easier to read. 

Tutorial on using the FEMA Preliminary Map Comparison Tool CLICK HERE.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding map changes can be viewed at FEMA's Flood Map Service Center.

PDF versions of the proposed maps and a zipfile for GIS use can be downloaded from FEMA by clicking here.

The Town will be asked to adopt these new maps at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting as part of the Flood Hazard Overlay Zoning District.