Coastal Resiliency - Seawall Project

Page for Information on the Proposed Seawall Replacement Project


The Selectboard is in the process of collecting information and developing scenarios for the potential replacement of the remaining seawall in the vicinity of Gurnet Road. This page will host documents and other information related to this project. For those interested in other information related to resiliency, please also visit these pages:

The first link above contains a range of reports and studies related to climate resiliency, many relating to coastal resources. The second link relates specifically to the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) beach nourishment project that Duxbury is partnering with Marshfield on.

This page will focus singularly on the potential seawall replacement project and includes a timeline, permitting information, cost estimates and funding options, betterment scenarios, and grant opportunities. It will also include copies of presentations that were made and other relevant public information. If you are interested in this project or are looking for additional information, please feel free to contact us at the email provided here and at the bottom of the page. 


  • Proposed Project Timeline - This timeline was developed by Planning Department staff in conjunction with other stakeholders with the best available information. It is expected as the project progresses, assumptions and other information may change and the timeline may need further refinement and updating.
  • Permitting Information - Once the project progresses to the point where permits are to be obtained, we will include a summary of that information as a sub-bullet here.
  • Initial Cost Estimates - A 2020 study conducted by Amory Engineers, P.C. provided initial cost estimates for three different timing scenarios: one, three, or six phases. The current preferred scenario is a single phase project initially estimated to cost $15,776,334 in 2020 and currently estimated to cost $24 million. Final designs may require further adjustment to cost estimate.
  • Funding Parameters - From Slide 4 of the December 5, 2021 presentation to the Selectboard, the following was noted:
    • Anticipated cost of seawall construction project = $24 million (Amory Engineering/see above)

    • Based on a single-phase project

    • Funding sources

      • Borrowing through Debt Exclusion (requires an article on the Town Meeting warrant, followed by an associated ballot question)

      • Betterment assessments for those benefiting from new seawall (assessed post-construction)

      • Potential grants

    • Beach Nourishment anticipated to cost approximately $4 million and is a separate project. CZM grants are a possibility here up to $2 million.

  • Betterment Scenarios - The following files show potential betterment scenarios at various splits between the town and those subject to a potential betterment for funding the seawall project. The second file shows Tier 1 assumptions in detail. The third file provides a methodology for the betterment scenarios.
  • Grant Opportunities - There are several grant or loan opportunities available to Duxbury to apply for related to the seawall construction, beach nourishment, or both. Please see this table (in development).


The following presentations were made to the public as a part of this project:


If you have any question or comments regarding this project, please contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.